Taliban fighter entering Kabul: Leaving the road to those who don't use force, who want to leave Kabul



Taliban fighter entering Kabul: Leaving the road to those who don't use force, who want to leave Kabul

Taliban fighters have begun entering Kabul. Aljazeera has indicated that the Interior Affairs Minister there has said Taliban fighters are starting to enter Kabul.

A Taliban leader in Doha has said fighters have been instructed to stop the violence and give safe exit routes to those who want to leave Kabul. Yet it has not been clear whether the Asurf Ghani administration in Kabul speaks out against Taliban fighters with an answer.

The Taliban, issuing a statement online, has said it will not take control of its fighters in a violent manner. At the same time, it has indicated that the gate in Kabul is not entering. The Taliban have said they will not use the force as the dialogue continues.

The Taliban have issued a statement saying that anyone in Kabul will have no compromise on the lives of the people. They've sought to reassure financial institutions in Kabul to businesses and other investors by saying they won't do any harm to the property.

Despite this, bank employees and the public have left work in the afternoon and started returning home.

Taliban fighters have captured all major cities except Kabul, the Afghan capital. The BBC has indicated that Taliban fighters are heading for Kabul with the goal of taking control of the whole of Afghanistan.

Sunday morning the Taliban have taken control over Jalalabad without any fighting. As government troops lose control over Afghanistan, pressure has been mounting to resign over President Asif Ghani.

He has now been told he remains only one of the options of fighting or surrendering to the Taliban fighter until the last.

International media have cited the Taliban moving forward in the country where it takes military control over Afghanistan.

Jalalabad Sunday is now the only five provincial capitals with Kabul under the control of Afghanistan's central government after it came under Taliban control. Al Jazeera, which is controlled by the Taliban in all of the remaining 34 provinces, has indicated.

They have also taken control of another provincial capital, with the takeover in Jalalabad. The provincial capital of Khost has been confirmed by a provincial council member there, which is controlled by the Taliban.

The Taliban have even reached the Tokram border near the Pakistan border. A similar Afghan MP has also taken control of the Kabul plains in Sara. Which are 90 miles from the capital Kabul.

The Taliban have also taken control of the Sarobi district near the capital Kabul. Which is said to be an hour's distance from Kabul.

Government officials there have surrendered to the Taliban, who took control of the fighting in Jalalabad on Sunday morning. Local Brujuks and Governor Jia Ull Haq Amrakhil are said to have handed over control, negotiating with the Taliban, saying they would protect civilians there.

Jalalabad Afghanistan is regarded as a major landmark linking Pakistan's main city to Peshawar. Under the agreement, the Taliban have left a safe route for government officials and security forces there to leave Jalalabad.

'There have been no tensions and clashes in Jalalabad. Because the governor has surrendered the Taliban Samu, 'an Afghan official in Jalalabad has told Reuters, 'It was the only option to let the Taliban enter to protect the zone of publicity. The decision to surrender is taken to prevent casualties and destruction. ‘

The U.S. has since shifted diplomats and staff at its embassy from Kabul.

Reuters has revealed that the U.S. has sparked its diplomats as the Taliban fighter group, which has moved ahead while seizing western southern and northern parts of Afghanistan, also moves home from the eastern region.

In the next few days, the U.S. has begun to launch its citizens with speculation that the Taliban will also take control of Kabul.

The U.S. intelligence agency estimated the Taliban would take control of Kabul in at least three months only last Sata. Even more so, Taliban fighters are moving forward sharply.


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