Whether or not a child should wear a mask depends on a number of factors. Their age, ability to use masks safely, instructions from local authorities, and whether they are in physical contact with someone who is ill are important.
This is the advice of the World Health Organization and UNICEF
Children 5 years of age and younger Generally, children 5 years of age and younger do not need to wear a mask. This advice is based on the safety and overall interests of young children.
Why did you say that According to Dr. Samir Kumar Adhikari, Joint Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, it is better to avoid crowds than to wear a mask as it is not practical for children under the age of five?
Wearing a mask for children under 5 years of age can cause redness and sneezing, nasal congestion, and putting a mask in the mouth of children, so it is better to protect them from congestion than wearing a mask.
Dr. Adhikari said that children under the age of five are also at risk of corona infection and should be protected from congestion. He said that in case of having to go to a hospital or a crowd, parents should take special care of children of this age by maintaining social distance or wearing masks.
Children 6 to 11 years old Children 6 to 11 years old should wear a mask if they have the following conditions:
- Covid 19 is widespread in your area - If children can use masks safely and appropriately - Masks are accessible and can be worn or replaced - Children can be supervised by an adult wearing a mask - Children are at high risk of serious illness recently Interacted with other people who have, for example, the elderly and people with health problems.
If wearing a mask has no effect on a child's learning or psychosocial development (parents, teachers, or health workers can be consulted)
Children 12 years and older Children 12 years and above should wear the same mask as adults.
In the case of children with different types of disabilities, the decision on whether or not to wear a mask should be made only after assessing their abilities and ensuring their interests.