Prachanda's proposal: Left-Democratic alliance till the election



Prachanda's proposal: Left-Democratic alliance till the election

Chairman of the UCPN (M) Center Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda has proposed to take the Congress-led coalition to the next election. However, he claims that those who do not like it right now are trying to weaken and break the alliance.

In a political and organizational resolution tabled at the party's central committee meeting on Friday, Prachanda said the coalition and the government have prioritized the establishment of good governance in the country by controlling cowardice, reviving the economy, and improving the living standards of the people. Prachanda has also proposed to move ahead with the organizational work to ensure the victory of the party in the upcoming local elections and to establish it as a leading force in the country through federal and provincial elections.

Prachanda has proposed to organize a national conference from 11 to 13 December to build the party's ideology, political line, organizational structure, and leadership at various levels. Prachanda's proposal is to coordinate the work of the federal parliament, the state assembly, and the local level and mobilize in an effective and planned manner in formulating pro-people policy.

Prachanda's analysis

Accusations against the President: The Prime Minister's unconstitutional, undemocratic, autocratic move was blindly supported. Attempts were made time and again by the guardians of the constitution to stamp the unconstitutional acts. Instead of appointing Deuba as the Prime Minister, dissolving the House of Representatives at midnight in mockery of the constitution and law was the second in a series of regressions.

Remarks on Oli: The then Prime Minister Oli repeatedly attacked the federal democratic republic, secularism, proportional inclusive democracy, and constitutionalism-oriented constitution with social justice. Oli carried out his right-wing, narrow-minded, individualistic, factional, and partisan activities, demonstrating a more naked form of authoritarianism and regression by dissolving the House of Representatives, the highest body of the people, for the second time.

Formation of Deuba Government: The Maoists adopted a policy of moving forward by forming a united front of left-democratic forces against regression. The current Left-Democratic Alliance government is the last link. It would be a mistake to think of this government as a normal occurrence of manipulation of past governments.

The work of the government: The work of the federal government, state government, and local government will be made more effective and systematic according to the sentiments of the people. The common policies and programs of the federal government will be implemented effectively. The party will have to pay special attention to establishing its independent identity and role in the coalition government.

The task of the coalition is to defend the constitution, institutionalize democracy, fully implement federalism, completely defeat regression, complete the rest of the peace process, and lead the country on a constitutional and democratic path while protecting national independence. In addition, there is a responsibility to rid the public of the Kovid epidemic.

Dissolution of the CPN ( Maoist): Even though the unity between the then Maoist center and the UML was virtually correct, the CPN (Maoist) disintegrated due to arrogance, pride, greed for power, national surrenderism, and right-wing opportunism manifested in Oli and his faction.

Coalition till the election: Left-Democratic alliance has been formed during the struggle against Oli's regression. The party policy will be to maintain the alliance formed to maintain economic prosperity, stability, and good governance in the country till the next election while protecting the current democratic political system, constitution, and nationality.

Left Polarization: To build socialism, it is necessary to engage in party-building with the basic idea of building a new revolutionary idea and a new revolutionary party. The party should take the legacy and ownership of the CPN (Maoist) by building a revolutionary party relying on its own power and collaborating with the leftist forces that share the same views.

MCC: Efforts will be made to resolve the issues of MCC, Lipulek, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura through diplomatic dialogue following the party's declared policy.

Socialist-oriented economic politics: In a political system with a three-tier government and a mixed electoral system, no political party is fully in power or in full opposition. In such a situation, the central government, the state government, and the local government should formulate and implement socialist-oriented economic and political programs in their areas.


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