Now we will try to unite all the left and democratic forces: Madhav Nepal



Now we will try to unite all the left and democratic forces: Madhav Nepal


Former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal is a leader who has spent more than four decades in Nepal's communist movement. He has also spent the same amount of time as a fellow traveler of the CPN-UML and its current chairman KP Oli. However, he has now left his own party, the CPN-UML, and left Sahyatri Oli to form a new party, the CPN (Unified Socialist). While leaving the UML and forming a new party, he has given up the opportunity to lead not only the most popular party but also many cadres of that party, leaders close to him and again the largest party. In this situation, the leader has broken even for the time being with about a dozen influential leaders who are considered to be trusted characters of Nepal. After the formation of the new party, Dipesh Shahi's conversation with Leader Nepal about the reasons, current strategy and possibilities for a new magazine:

He re-established the parliament and formed an alternative government saying that his own party's government was arbitrary. However, he split the party after years of hard work. How did you get to this point?

- First of all, we have been involved in the campaign of building the Communist Party from the very beginning. It seems that they have revolted from the old party and formed a new party. We moved forward with new ideas and thinking and we rejected the old ideas. We have revolted against despair, frustration, laziness, and all kinds of distortions and inconsistencies. This sequence continues. Even now, the CPN (UML) was slow to move forward with the idea and speed with which it was trying to move forward. By wearing that dhamiro, KP Oli trapped the party on the right-wing. He turned the revolutionary wing of the party into a ghost. Wrong ideas at the party, Raised culture and culture. Individualism took over and all its vices began to appear there. That's why a full-fledged party became like a limited company. He started giving space only to his group of fans. He started to put everyone else aside. He did not try to find the cause of the real problems within the party. He started taking the issue raised as a personal protest. That is why he expelled us from the party.

Not only that, he dissolved the House of Representatives several times before that. He did not listen to anyone's opinion. He did not take the decision of the Supreme Court positively. He never respected the opinion of such a majority. That was the situation within the CPN (Maoist). He completely ignored the views of his old comrades who had the right views even when the CPN (UML) was in power. However, he initially divided the CPN (Maoist) and later the UML. He started walking differently. That order continued. He made no effort to realize or correct the mistake. He began to view his critics as enemies.

In between, there were some talks, all of which were just dramas. He only knew the tricks, the right sadiksha was never there. You always use the wrong method. Then came a tragic situation. There was a need to revolt in the party and to raise the revolutionary current. We arose from a sense of serious responsibility to protect the party and the revolution. As a result, we formed the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist), a revolutionary movement. Which has also been registered with the Election Commission. For this, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all for the support, harmony, and trust received from our people and comrades.

What will be your role in the current national politics as your party is not only the unified socialist and the main leadership of the political party but also the former Prime Minister?

- This party will move forward in a completely new way. We will try to get rid of all the distortions and inconsistencies of the past. Its main objective will be to move forward in the direction of socialism. Marxism will assimilate the revolutionary view of Leninism. We will move forward by assimilating the essence and spirit of the multi-party democracy of the people. We will move forward with policies and ideas in line with the uniqueness and characteristics of Nepal and the wishes of the people. We want the government to run in the same way.

We will move forward by organizing all the cadres in the party building work as well. We will work to establish the party among the people. We will try to establish it as the beloved party of the people by gaining the trust of the people. We have embarked on a new journey. We will continue to work for the unity of the communist movement. We will try to unite all the left and democratic forces. We will move forward by raising the flag of nationality. We will protect democracy. We will move forward on the path of social justice, equality, and proportional transformation.

You spent a significant part of your personal life in the current party life of the UML. He also led for the longest time. The same party was also given the most votes by the people in the democratic process. But now, how do you feel when you leave that party, those cadres, and those voters, and form a new party?

This is our history. We have been abandoning the conservative ideology and embracing the revolutionary ideology. Those who are still confused by KP Oli's delusion, I would like to request them to get rid of it. If anyone is living in confusion, I would like to warn them that there is no sign of improvement in the trend that has grown up in KP Oli.

Thinking that Keshav Jung Rayamajhi would be reformed, the party itself collapsed. By rebelling against him, Pushpalal had formed a new revolutionary party and moved forward. We have formed another party by rebelling against that party as well. Mohan Bikramji also revolted and formed another party. After that, Prachandaji revolted from there and formed another party. At the same time, we had the opportunity to become the largest popular party in 1951. We also formed a popular government and won the people's vote. Later, the CPN (Maoist) surpassed us in the 2006 election and achieved a different result.

Seen in this light, the rebellious currents are naturally gaining ground in Nepal's politics. Only those who move forward in revolutionary thinking have been winning the trust of the people. Individualism is being defeated. The right-wing is coming to an end. The right-wing will eventually lead the communist movement in the direction of dissolution.

Extreme factionalism prevails in the remaining UML. KP Oli is not in a position to rise above the scope of that faction. There is no broad vision, decision, and proper evaluation of the cadres. He does not evaluate and analyze on the basis of merits and demerits. You can't run a party. He is only good at running a faction. The friends sitting there will open their minds after many stumbling blocks. Only when the mind is open can people reach new conclusions. I would like to make a heartfelt appeal to them that it is this revolutionary current that will save, nurture and advance the communist movement. Greater communism will unite. Will move forward with a new speed. So let's move forward together.

Some of the so-called leaders close to you who stood together while fighting KP Oli have now returned to the UML. While you have said that you have formed a new revolutionary party, they are saying that they will revive the UML. Does UML now have the possibility of uniting your party, the Unified Socialists?

If they can improve KP Oli and defeat KP Oli's tendency, it does not mean that there will be no unity. But, in the current situation, that doesn't seem possible. The door to unity is always open. We will also hold talks and dialogue with all the leftist communist parties. After this dialogue, we will strive for greater Left unity and move forward in cooperation.

Does the Unified Socialist now participate in the government? After joining the government, how do you work to show the people that the new party, its ideas, and style are different?

We will work differently than others. The role has to be played according to the wishes of the people, the needs of the nation, and the demands of the time. We will fight against corruption and irregularities. We will move forward with the thought and thinking of taking the country in the direction of socialism while maintaining a clean image.

As soon as you start the process of forming a new party, there is a debate that a socialist center will be established and you will lead it. What are the possibilities?

Communist parties have no choice. The Communist Party cannot be left out. The Communist Party is the desire of the Nepali people. The Communist Party is an important force in fulfilling the desires, aspirations, and aspirations of the people. Nothing to weaken and end it is valid and will not be. In that journey, there will be cooperation between the leftist and socialist forces.

What is the possibility of electoral coordination or alliance between the parties in the current government?

It cannot be said right now that everyone has electoral coordination, but there is coordination. It will become clear in time who will have who.


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