Narasimha Jatra is being celebrated in Patan today



Narasimha Jatra is being celebrated in Patan today

The Narasimha Jatra is being celebrated today in Patan, the oldest and most beautiful of the three cities in the Kathmandu Valley. Every year on the occasion of Bhadra Krishna Panchami, the Dev Brahmin community, known as the indigenous Brahmins of the valley, has a tradition of making the pilgrimage to Patan.

Chairman of the Rajopadhyay Society Sanjay Sharma Rajopadhyay said that the Narasimha Jatra will be held this year from the house of 79-year-old Komleshananda Rajopadhyay of Valanimha Guthi, a resident of Lalitpur Corporation-20 Gabhal. He said, "In addition to this ward, a total of 120 Rajopadhyay families in ward no. 16 Mangalbazar and ward no. 19 Purnachandi make a pilgrimage on the basis of seniority.  

Sharma informed that many of the calamities, diseases, fears, fears, storms, and disasters that would befall the country during the procession would be eradicated. As the lineage of one of the six clans of the Rajopadhyaya family has not increased, four other Newar Brahmins including the Guthi, Bakanimha, Swanimha, Mandichen, and Tadhanlivi have been carrying on the tradition of Narasimha Jatra, said Chairman Rajopadhyaya.  

At the front of the procession are Lakhenach, then a hymn team with Dhimebaja, at least six pairs of Apsara Kanyas dressed in traditional attire, Prahlad walking in the back with incense in hand in a salutation pose, followed by Narasimha between right and left Saraswati. He said that the pilgrimage would be held in Sundhara, Tangal, and Purnachandi districts.

Bhusan Nath Sharma, chairman of the Narasimha Jatra Management Committee, said that some of the nymphs participating in the procession would work on the road with milk, lava including abir, sweeping the floor with a brush, shaking the fan, holding the scepter, laying the white cloth on the road. He said, "Although it is not known when this procession started, King Siddhinar Singh Malla of Patan has run this procession along with Kartik dance for the welfare of the people." 

Sharma wished for world peace through the procession. On the day before the procession, the person who becomes a lion becomes pure and has to fast till the end of the procession. According to Sharma, it is customary to perform Tantrotka Puja at Palowala's house before and after the Narasimha Jatra.

Chairman Rajopadhyay informed that the Nepal Tourism Board had given permission to set up a fund of Rs. "Even though the Guthi, which runs the Jatra, has set up its own fund, it is always busy with financial management," he said.

During the procession, it is customary to tie a cloth around the body of a person who becomes a lion and make two white cloth dolls and walk around. It is believed that the butterfly was punished by making it into a honey cat monster and dragging it away. There is even a belief that if a child touches the dragging doll, it will stop crying.

In Narasimha Jatra, Vishnu, as well as Shakti, are worshiped. Shridhar Narayan's procession used to take place before the Narasimha procession. According to the people of Patan, Narayan's journey was stopped by some groups at that time. Since Narasimha is considered as a natural disaster or crisis relief, those who come out during the Kartik dance are considered to be fierce and those who go on a pilgrimage today are considered to be calm Narasimhas. Chairman Rajopadhyay said that there is a belief that if a pregnant woman watches the Narasimha Jatra, which has religious and cultural significance, she will get pregnant.


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