Mahendra's 'mysterious' death



Some of the old people who speculated that King Mahendra's death was 'mysterious' may not be true, but due to lack of research, the secrets were lost along with his body. King Mahendra, who returned to a British hospital in 2024 after undergoing intensive care for a heart problem for the first time, is worried about the creation of a nation called Bangladesh after the partition of Pakistan.  According to AK Yadav, a former official of the Research and Analysis Bureau (RAW) in Delhi, the plan was made by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to divide the Nepal Terai. King Mahendra was a big 'villain' in India's eyes to thwart his plan to keep his security under an umbrella. Therefore, Indira Gandhi knew that it was not possible to divide or make Nepal non-existent as long as she lived.  King Mahendra had been living in Dayalo Bungalow of Chitwan since 3 January 2028 BS. Her health condition was normal. He was writing poems, humming songs, joking, meeting locals, occasionally hunting and watching the Narayani River from the bardali of the mini-palace. One day, Mahendra, who had returned from hunting, had a chest pain at night. Dr. involved in the treatment of King Mahendra. Sushil Chandra Haldar writes that even ML Bhatia, a doctor from Delhi, treated the king while he was suffering from heart ailments and some convulsions (Mahendra Smriti Granth, p. 842).  Dr. involved in the treatment of Ubela Raja. Mrigendra Raj Pandey also got into controversy. Inside the palace, he gave an explanation. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, who has a long association with the court, has said that he is innocent. Dr. involved in the treatment. Sachekumar Pahadi and Dr. Although Mrigendra Raj Pandey said that King Mahendra died due to a heart attack, the Indian doctor Bhatia reached Chitwan and became involved in the treatment.  During the reign of King Tribhuvan, Mahendra removed Indians like Govind Narayan Singh, who had become an 'advisor' in the cabinet meeting from 2008 to April 2011. Mahendra sent back 26 army camps set up by Indians on Nepal's northern border. He stopped Indian currency and Indian curriculum (books). Nepal belongs only to Nepalis, if the rights of others are not respected, he said. In order to make the Nepal Army self-reliant and strong, he established 'Pyara' Gulm in 2022 BS. Former Chief of Army Staff Kiran Shamsher has written that King Mahendra has made a great contribution to establish 'Love Over All Command' by increasing the lovely army in 2025 BS. From 2014, Mahendra sent troops to the UK, US, France, Germany, Malaysia and India to arrange for international training of military officers. In 2021, he increased the size of the army.  The Military Act was introduced in 2016 BS to modernize the army that was run by the Rana Act. Admission, retirement, promotion, leave, etc. were made transparent. Major General Padma Bahadur Khatri was appointed Permanent Representative to the United Nations to explain and implement Nepal's military diplomacy through the United Nations. He became a more capable ambassador to an influential nation. After watching all these activities of Nepal, the Indian desire to take over the foreign and defense affairs of Nepal was shocked. Therefore, Mahendra's friends suspect that the Indians who came under the pretext of treatment did not give poison to King Mahendra.  The rulers of Delhi wanted Nepal to be under the umbrella of India. Realizing this, Mahendra made Nepal a member of the United Nations. Nepal is diplomatically linked with 53 nations. Became a member of the International Organization. Mahendra forged close ties with Chinese leader Mao. He built a highway from Kathmandu to China (Arani Highway). He built the highway connecting Mechi-Mahakali, his own university, thousands of schools and colleges. Billions of rupees were invested in Nepal by calling the world's famous and rich nations. India was surprised.  According to Tulsi Giri, Kirtinidhi Bista, Surya Bahadur Thapa and Shree Bhadra Sharma, Mahendra, who has banned the parties, is preparing to implement multi-party system on March 22, 2008. Mahendra had sent a letter to BP to lead a multi-party system. Shri Bhadra Sharma had reached Sarnath, India with the letter. Some of the court staff reported what King Mahendra was secretly doing to the Indian embassy, ​​some old people said. The meeting of the Council of Ministers held in Chitwan on January 26, 2008 was almost certain to decide on the declaration of multi-party system.  After one or two ministers spying for India raised concerns and questions about this, the king became angry and said, "I will make the final decision in the cabinet on January 17. He said that the support of all parties is needed to run the nation. King Mahendra's idea of ​​trying to strengthen nationalism and democracy by embracing all was welcome. Mysteriously, Mahendra died on the night of January 3, 2028. His dream of getting the multi-party system approved by the Council of Ministers on January 3 did not come true.  If Mahendra died of a heart attack, the doctors who declared Raja dead on the night of 16 January 2028 at 3:45 am the next day (January 17) must be trusted. But there is no reason to be convinced that King Mahendra, who did not like India at all, was not the victim of a conspiracy.  The New York Times published an article discussing the establishment of Nepal's first constitutional monarchy by King Mahendra (January 31, 1972). In it, it is mentioned that as a Hindu king, he included Nepal and Nepalis. King Mahendra's reign and even after that he continued to be discussed. Some foreign newspapers wrote, "He held parliamentary elections because he believed in democracy." Mahendra was of the opinion that following a big country like the United States and the Soviet Union would weaken the self-esteem of a nation like Nepal. Mahendra was praised all over the world for his policy of making friends with everyone, sticking to Panchsheel and non-alignment. After the 2017 incident, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom visited Nepal. It was a great diplomatic success. Mahendra's. The world got the idea that Nepal is not a protected area of ​​India. Then India became very irritated. Nepal is being saddened by raising some people on Indian soil. But Mahendra did not bow down.  When Mahendra interacted with Indira Gandhi in Delhi, he questioned, "When Nepal built the highway connecting Mechi and Mahakali in the Terai, it had to get India's approval in the beginning." Mahendra asks: 'Your Excellency, why do we need your permission to do anything on our land? I did not understand. '  Indira said- 'Whatever you do in the mountains, you are happy. It is better to ask India in a flat part. ' Mahendra is showing a khukuri inscribed on the hat of a Gurkha soldier who was deployed to protect Indira Gandhi and says, Indira was speechless. Asked by a Delhi-based journalist, he said, "If the nation is bigger or smaller in size, the question of whether the bee is bigger or the elephant is bigger should be discussed."  At the invitation of King Mahendra, Chinese leader Chou En-lai and Field Marshal Chen Yi were invited to Kathmandu and artists from Ilam, including Surya Mainali, were invited to Kathmandu and the Chinese guests were given an unprecedented welcome. A few years ago, at his residence in Ilam, Mainali had said, “Mahendra understood religion, literature, culture, diplomacy, sports, strategy and politics. Therefore, he believed that every people should be strengthened. Prithvinarayan Shah had said that the nation should be made self-reliant. Mahendra made the same idea the basic policy of the nation.  Although some limited leaders in India do not like it, President Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, First President Rajendra Prasad, writer and poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, diplomat Maharaj Krishna Rasagotra, Romesh Bhandari and many others have called Mahendra a high-class personality. He visited many places including Asia, Europe, USA and introduced Nepal and Nepalis. After walking hundreds of kilometers, we reached the huts of Nepalis. As Mao said, he was the enemy of imperialism and expansionism. He was a strong supporter of nationalism. Nation is supreme (Nation First), he believed. He has appealed to Nepalis through the song - 'Be Swadeshi, say Swadesh, Samhal Nepal.'

Some of the old people who speculated that King Mahendra's death was 'mysterious' may not be true, but due to lack of research, the secrets were lost along with his body. King Mahendra, who returned to a British hospital in 2024 after undergoing intensive care for a heart problem for the first time, is worried about the creation of a nation called Bangladesh after the partition of Pakistan.

According to AK Yadav, a former official of the Research and Analysis Bureau (RAW) in Delhi, the plan was made by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to divide the Nepal Terai. King Mahendra was a big 'villain' in India's eyes to thwart his plan to keep his security under an umbrella. Therefore, Indira Gandhi knew that it was not possible to divide or make Nepal non-existent as long as she lived.

King Mahendra had been living in Dayalo Bungalow of Chitwan since 3 January 2028 BS. Her health condition was normal. He was writing poems, humming songs, joking, meeting locals, occasionally hunting, and watching the Narayani River from the bardali of the mini-palace. One day, Mahendra, who had returned from hunting, had chest pain at night. Dr. involved in the treatment of King Mahendra. Sushil Chandra Haldar writes that even ML Bhatia, a doctor from Delhi, treated the king while he was suffering from heart ailments and some convulsions (Mahendra Smriti Granth, p. 842).

Dr. involved in the treatment of Ubela Raja. Mrigendra Raj Pandey also got into controversy. Inside the palace, he gave an explanation. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, who has a long association with the court, has said that he is innocent. Dr. involved in the treatment. Sachekumar Pahadi and Dr. Although Mrigendra Raj Pandey said that King Mahendra died due to a heart attack, the Indian doctor Bhatia reached Chitwan and became involved in the treatment.

During the reign of King Tribhuvan, Mahendra removed Indians like Govind Narayan Singh, who had become an 'advisor' in the cabinet meeting from 2008 to April 2011. Mahendra sent back 26 army camps set up by Indians on Nepal's northern border. He stopped Indian currency and the Indian curriculum (books). Nepal belongs only to Nepalis if the rights of others are not respected, he said. In order to make the Nepal Army self-reliant and strong, he established 'Pyara' Gulm in 2022 BS. Former Chief of Army Staff Kiran Shamsher has written that King Mahendra has made a great contribution to establishing 'Love Over All Command' by increasing the lovely army in 2025 BS. From 2014, Mahendra sent troops to the UK, US, France, Germany, Malaysia, and India to arrange for international training of military officers. In 2021, he increased the size of the army.

The Military Act was introduced in 2016 BS to modernize the army that was run by the Rana Act. Admission, retirement, promotion, leave, etc. were made transparent. Major General Padma Bahadur Khatri was appointed Permanent Representative to the United Nations to explain and implement Nepal's military diplomacy through the United Nations. He became a more capable ambassador to an influential nation. After watching all these activities of Nepal, the Indian desire to take over the foreign and defense affairs of Nepal was shocked. Therefore, Mahendra's friends suspect that the Indians who came under the pretext of treatment did not give poison to King Mahendra.

The rulers of Delhi wanted Nepal to be under the umbrella of India. Realizing this, Mahendra made Nepal a member of the United Nations. Nepal is diplomatically linked with 53 nations. Became a member of the International Organization. Mahendra forged close ties with Chinese leader Mao. He built a highway from Kathmandu to China (Arani Highway). He built the highway connecting Mechi-Mahakali, his own university, thousands of schools and colleges. Billions of rupees were invested in Nepal by calling the world's famous and rich nations. India was surprised.

According to Tulsi Giri, Kirtinidhi Bista, Surya Bahadur Thapa, and Shree Bhadra Sharma, Mahendra, who has banned the parties, is preparing to implement the multi-party system on March 22, 2008. Mahendra had sent a letter to BP to lead a multi-party system. Shri Bhadra Sharma had reached Sarnath, India with the letter. Some of the court staff reported what King Mahendra was secretly doing to the Indian embassy, ​​some old people said. The meeting of the Council of Ministers held in Chitwan on January 26, 2008, was almost certain to decide on the declaration of a multi-party system.

After one or two ministers spying for India raised concerns and questions about this, the king became angry and said, "I will make the final decision in the cabinet on January 17. He said that the support of all parties is needed to run the nation. King Mahendra's idea of ​​trying to strengthen nationalism and democracy by embracing all were welcome. Mysteriously, Mahendra died on the night of January 3, 2028. His dream of getting the multi-party system approved by the Council of Ministers on January 3 did not come true.

If Mahendra died of a heart attack, the doctors who declared Raja dead on the night of 16 January 2028 at 3:45 am the next day (January 17) must be trusted. But there is no reason to be convinced that King Mahendra, who did not like India at all, was not the victim of a conspiracy.

The New York Times published an article discussing the establishment of Nepal's first constitutional monarchy by King Mahendra (January 31, 1972). In it, it is mentioned that as a Hindu king, he included Nepal and Nepalis. King Mahendra's reign and even after that, he continued to be discussed. Some foreign newspapers wrote, "He held parliamentary elections because he believed in democracy." Mahendra was of the opinion that following a big country like the United States and the Soviet Union would weaken the self-esteem of a nation like Nepal. Mahendra was praised all over the world for his policy of making friends with everyone, sticking to Panchsheel and non-alignment. After the 2017 incident, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom visited Nepal. It was a great diplomatic success. Mahendra's. The world got the idea that Nepal is not a protected area of ​​India. Then India became very irritated. Nepal is being saddened by raising some people on Indian soil. But Mahendra did not bow down.

When Mahendra interacted with Indira Gandhi in Delhi, he questioned, "When Nepal built the highway connecting Mechi and Mahakali in the Terai, it had to get India's approval in the beginning." Mahendra asks: 'Your Excellency, why do we need your permission to do anything on our land? I did not understand. '

Indira said- 'Whatever you do in the mountains, you are happy. It is better to ask India in a flat part. ' Mahendra is showing a khukuri inscribed on the hat of a Gurkha soldier who was deployed to protect Indira Gandhi and says, Indira was speechless. Asked by a Delhi-based journalist, he said, "If the nation is bigger or smaller in size, the question of whether the bee is bigger or the elephant is bigger should be discussed."

At the invitation of King Mahendra, Chinese leader Chou En-lai and Field Marshal Chen Yi were invited to Kathmandu, and artists from Ilam, including Surya Mainali, were invited to Kathmandu and the Chinese guests were given an unprecedented welcome. A few years ago, at his residence in Ilam, Mainali had said, “Mahendra understood religion, literature, culture, diplomacy, sports, strategy and politics. Therefore, he believed that every people should be strengthened. Prithvi Narayan Shah had said that the nation should be made self-reliant. Mahendra made the same idea the basic policy of the nation.

Although some limited leaders in India do not like it, President Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, First President Rajendra Prasad, writer and poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, diplomat Maharaj Krishna Rasagotra, Romesh Bhandari, and many others have called Mahendra a high-class personality. He visited many places including Asia, Europe, USA, and introduced Nepal and Nepalis. After walking hundreds of kilometers, we reached the huts of Nepalis. As Mao said, he was the enemy of imperialism and expansionism. He was a strong supporter of nationalism. The nation is supreme (Nation First), he believed. He has appealed to Nepalis through the song - 'Be Swadeshi, say Swadesh, Samhal Nepal.' 


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