Afghanistan: Death toll in Kabul attack 'rises to 90', could be further 'attacks'



Afghanistan: Death toll in Kabul attack 'rises to 90', could be further 'attacks'

A public health official has told the BBC the death toll from Thursday's attack at Kabul airport has risen to 90.

The number of casualties is said to have exceeded 150.

A Taliban official has said at least 28 Taliban members were among the Afghans who died.

U.S. commanders are set to face further attacks in Afghanistan, a top military official has said.

U.S. Central Command General Frank McKenzie has said Islamic State could carry out further attacks using a possible rocket or vehicle at Kabul airport.

"We are doing everything we can to prepare," he said.

The U.S. military is working intensely to carry out the evacuation in Afghanistan.

The U.S. is preparing to carry out the rescue by August 31, in line with the agreement with the Taliban.

On Thursday evening, he has said rescue efforts will continue amid the attack.

Biden informed himself that commanders stationed in Kabul said the rescue of American and Afghan civilians could be carried out by the end of August.

So far more than a million people have been said to have been rescued from Afghanistan.

He has directed the Pentagon to plan an attack on ISIS-K to avenge the latest attack outside Kabul airport on Thursday.

Biden has vowed to retaliate against the attack.

13 U.S. security officials were killed in the incident on Thursday.

Islamic State has said the suicide attacker targeted "U.S. army allies and translators," according to news organization Reuters.

U.S. Central Command chief Gen. Kenneth Mackenzie has said he sees no sign of any indication that the Taliban may have allowed that to happen, an explosion after the shooting but a new force in Afghanistan's power.

A Taliban spokesman has said they have already warned of the impact on security as large clashes gather at Kabul airport.


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