That Pushpalal, this communist!

Pushpa Lal Shresth

Pushpalal Shrestha was born in B.C. He was born in Ramechhap district on July 3, 1981, as the eldest son of father Bhaktalal and mother Tulasi Kumari. Pushpalal had gone to Bhadragol Jail to visit his elder brother Ganga Lal Shrestha in 1997 BS, just a day before he was shot dead. Ganga Lal had said to him, 'Myla! You will light my lamp for the sake of democracy, you will not let it go out. '

He was 16 years old at the time. Daju's statement became a source of inspiration to enter politics. In 1998, Pushpalal Shrestha, along with Prem Bahadur Kansakar, Shambhuram Shrestha, Surya Bahadur Bhardwaj, and Raja, formed the Nepali Democratic Association.

Correct the blood in the pledge

The rule was made that all members could become members of the party only by signing the affidavit with their blood. Comrade Pushpalal Shrestha led the movement for the realization of civil rights by the Nepali National Congress in 2004 BS. The people's movement of 2004 is analyzed as the first people's movement of Nepal. The Communist Party of Nepal was established secretly and underground in Calcutta, Shyam Bazaar, India, during the reign of Jahaniya Rana in Nepal. On July 22, 1949, with the establishment of the Communist Party of Nepal, Comrade Pushpalal served as the General Secretary for two years (2008). Generally, as soon as Pushpalal is mentioned, the word 'communist' starts flashing in everyone's mind. Pushpalal translated the Communist Manifesto into Nepali for the first time in 2005. At the same time, the first article he wrote in line with the communist ideology was the Communist Manifesto written in Nepali.

Pushpalal's contribution to the Communist Party is incomparable. In fact, he raised the slogan of democracy. He is also considered a fundamentalist thinker. If he directs the revolution with the slogan of the republic, then the credit for analyzing the views of the dialectical point of view goes to Pushpalal. The Communist Party of Nepal was established on 22 April 1949 in the black market of Calcutta, India. At that time, the founding secretary-general c. Led by Pushpalal, he and six others, including Pushpalal, Nara Bahadur Karmacharya, Narayan Vilash Joshi, Motidevi, and Niranjan Govinda Vaidya, became known as founders.

Pushpalal in the minority

Pushpalal also put forward a scientific view of Nepali society after 2006. Before that, religion was the bane of society. At that time in Nepal, God created this earth, whatever happens, is due to God's gift of grace, which was a religious extremist thinking! Pushpalal is also credited with forcing him to look at it differently from a materialist point of view.

Pushpalal believed that one should not be an extremist in any matter. He believed that the Communist Party was a progressive party made up of organizations, leaders, principles, and struggles and that these were its backbone. At the first conference in 2008, he was removed from the post of general secretary of the party he had founded, and Manmohan Adhikari took over. Pushpalal could hardly have imagined that he would be in the minority in the Communist Party he founded!

Since he was in the minority, the Communist Party was driven by ideas, organizations, principles, and struggles.

From the first general convention of 2010, K. Pushpalal was again in the minority and Tulsilal Amatya became the third general secretary. Meanwhile, the Congress-led government even banned the CPN (Maoist). In the first general election in the history of Nepal in 2015, the CPN (Maoist) had won 4 seats. From 2015 to 2017, BP Koirala was Nepal's first elected Prime Minister. After 2017 BS, when the then King Mahendra overthrew the people-elected government and implemented the Panchayat system, the CPN (Maoist) was again banned by the Punch and the King.

In the process, after the Keshar Jung Rayamajhi group supported the Panchayat system, the CPN (Maoist) split and split. After the partition, the CPN (Maoist) and the current UML took shape in Jhapa through the Jhapa Revolution. The stream of Manmohan and Pushpalal was united in 2047 BS and became UML.

Various groups were led by Mohan Vikram Singh, Nirmal Lama, CPN (Maoist) Chowm, Moto Mashal, CPN (Maoist). Patlo Masal, NCP The current Maoist stream became the center of unity. Mohan Bikram Singh, on the other hand, is carrying thin spices. The CPN (UML), which won 4 seats in 2015 BS, was the third party with 69 seats and 9 seats after the Jana Andolan (People's Movement) after 2046 BS. By boycotting the general election of 2051 BS, the Maoists protested against the parliamentary system and declared a people's war on March 20, 2006.

Similarly, the UML became the first party with 88 seats in the 2051 general election and for the first time in South Asia, a single Communist Party government was formed. This government can also be seen as a very popular government. But this government lasted only 9 months. Again in 2054 BS, the party split. In the 2056 general election, UML became the second party with 70 seats.

After the Jana Andolan of 2062/63, the Maoists became the largest party with a majority in the Constituent Assembly elections. In the second Constituent Assembly election of 2070 BS, the UML came second and the Maoists third. Meanwhile, from the Communist Party. Manmohan Adhikari, Madhav Kumar Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda), Jhala Nath Khanal, Baburam Bhattarai, KP Sharma Oli succeeded in becoming the Prime Minister. In the 2074 elections to the House of Representatives and the state assemblies, the two communist parties formed an alliance and won a two-thirds majority.

This unity of the Communist Party was the greatest achievement of the Communist Party in Nepal. KP Oli, who led the government for three years, has repeatedly dissolved parliament and been ousted from power by a two-thirds communist government formed for five years. The Communist Party has been torn apart by various factions and groups. It has come here from 2006 to July 26, 2078 BS, overcoming various obstacles of ups and downs.

Pushpalal's power is thought. Because of his views, the Communist Party is still alive. Ordinary leaders are born of movement! Pushpalal is proof that it also gives rise to agitation and rebellion. All this would not have been possible without the name and contribution of the Communist Party of Nepal. In Nepal, the NCP And Pushpalal is the pioneer and historian of the communist movement. Remembering the Communist Party without understanding him is incomplete and narrow.

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