A clock telling the time of 10 thousand years is being made inside the huge mountain





Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has turned computer scientist Danny Hillis' hypothesis into a 10,000-year-old watch. Hillis conceived this 10,000-hour-long clock in 1986.

He is currently collaborating with a professor at MIT Media Lab. MIT Media Lab is known for building Disney theme park rides, including supercomputers and dinosaur robots. It was Hills who came up with the idea of building a clock inside the mountain that would show a time of 10,000 years.

How will the clockwork?

Listening to the plan of a 10,000-year-old clock is a big challenge for the engineering sector. The hand of this clock will run only once a year and it will ring once in every thousand years.

Experts are now working to build larger rooms inside the hill to connect the equipment needed for the clock. According to Bezos, the watch will be 500 feet high.

This clock will have rooms as large as those in an HG Wells imaginary pyramid. Hillis founded the Long Now Foundation in 1996 to improve the management of the watch he envisioned. The foundation's website was created in 1999.


Bezos and Hills 'longtime friendship led to the launch of the watch in 2005 to turn Hills' vision into reality. The watch's work then began on Bezos' private property in the Sierra Diablo.

According to Bezos, the clock is a means to an end, not only to remind people that a distant future exists but also to their children.

Construction of the watch began in 2018, but it is uncertain when it will be completed.


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